Eligibility and Registration:
To unlock the exclusive benefits of the MiiR Pro Deal Program, there are two ways to participate:
- Your company has joined the program and you can use your company email address to receive your discount at www.miir.com
- You will need to submit an application using the form at www.miir.com/pro and please allow 3-5 business days for us to review and process your application.
Upon joining, members agree to have their accounts synchronized with the MiiR.com online store and a subscription to MiiR Marketing Communications (Email/SMS/etc) is a membership requirement.
Conditions of Use:
- By joining the MiiR Pro Deal Program, members can enjoy Products at special prices exclusively through our Online Stores.
- Products are for personal use only and reselling is strictly prohibited.
- There is an annual spending allowance per online store, defining the value of products purchasable.
- Subscription to MiiR Marketing Communications (Email/SMS/etc) is a part of the membership requirement.
- Exchanges and returns must be processed through our Customer Service Team.
- Program privileges are temporary and renewal instructions will be sent one month prior to expiration, contingent upon eligibility.
- Purchasing through the program is subject to our general terms and conditions.
Rules and Compliance:
Please be aware that violation of any of the rules will result in termination of your Pro Deal account.
MiiR promotes mutually respectful dialogue between its employees and our pro account holders. Verbal abuse of MiiR employees shall be deemed as cause to terminate this offer and deny account holder any future offerings. Terminations are at MiiR's discretion.
Modifications or Termination of the Program:
Access to the MiiR Pro Deal Program is a privilege, not a right. We reserve the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the program, including terms and conditions, without prior notice or explanation. This may occur for any reason, including but not limited to, abuse of the program.