• All customers must submit a valid certificate to be classified as a reseller. Customers
approved for reseller status will receive reseller pricing.
Tax-Exempt Organizations:
• Customers seeking tax exemption (501(c)(3), non-profit) must provide a valid exemption
certificate from the state they are claiming exempt status in. Once the certificate is
approved, the customer will not be charged sales tax on their order.
Turnaround Time for Approval:
• Approval process typically takes 1-3 business days.
• Resellers: Resale pricing is granted to approved reseller customers.
Customer Responsibility:
• It is the customer's responsibility to provide valid and up-to-date certificates. Our team
may reject certificates that have expired or are invalid. If rejected, the customer will
receive an email notification stating that their application is pending, and further
information may be required for reseller or tax-exempt status approval. If you receive
an email regarding a pending application, please contact us at so
that we can assist you in getting your application approved.
• If a customer's reseller or tax exemption application is not approved, and no follow-up is
submitted, their account will be set to our default pricing tier. If the customer has an
open order with us, they will be invoiced for the price difference and/or applicable